International mother tongue day. Παγκόσμια ημέρα μητρικής γλώσσας. Participation in the lecture PhDr. Constantinose Tsivose Ph.D. on the topic of “teaching of Greek language at Charles University” (τα μαθήματα ελληνιosition γλώσας στο πανεπιστήμιο καρόλου. Thursday 6 February 2025 at 5 pm.
Annual membership meeting of KPŘ. Γενική συνέλευση μελών της λέσχης. Dlážděná 1586, Prague – Nové Město. Friday 21st February 2025, 18.00. VH program: 1. 2. Checking the status of the membership base and paying the membership fee for 2025. 3. 4. Reports on the Association of Association in 2024 and Report on the Club website. 5. Plan for 2025. 6. 7. Proposal of resolution.